Wednesday, January 30, 2008

RAW Assignment

This is a picture of my DS eating his favorite treat a Cookie!!

shutter 1/60
aperture f4
iso 400

These are my altered pictures from RAW. Wasent realy sure what to do so i changed it a little.

In this photo I used the halftone filter to make a B&W effect.

In this photo I used the diffuse glow filter.

In this photo i used the halftone and then used the history brush to bring the color back into the cookie.


Janet said...

i think these turned out great!

Marsha K. said...

LOL - talk about enjoying a cookie!! I love how you have changed it several different ways!

~Ane~ said...

fun pic!

Jane F. Smith said...

I like your experiments here!!!

Gayle said...

Great job experimenting on the different conversions. They turned out great!